Jorge Peniche

Jorge Peniche spearheads the Centre’s country efforts in Mexico under the Pursuing Justice in Adverse Settings program. He is also part of the Centre’s overarching efforts focused on leveraging the use of information technology in pursuit of accountability.
From various standpoints –including the academia, litigation, experience with the UN, capacity-building efforts with local and grassroots groups, and governmental roles– he has a specialized outlook towards combating impunity and transitional justice issues, bringing over 10 years of experience to the Centre.
A dynamic attorney, he strives to combine his two main passions in the field: the use of evidence-based and robust analytical frameworks –that are cognoscitive of law’s methodologic limitations to explain and address complex abuses– paired with context-driven, strategic actions aimed to ultimately lead to effective redress and institutional change.
Throughout his versatile career, Jorge has been Senior Associate and Coordinator of Litigation for a boutique leading law firm in Mexico in constitutional and administrative dispute resolution, where he argued landmark cases before the Mexican Supreme Court of Justice in issues ranging from judicial independence, drug policy and the Presidential powers to deploy the Armed Forces in times of peace. He has also served under the First Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence and the International Prosecutor at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC). Prior to joining the Centre, he served as Executive Director of the Mexican organization “JT MX. Justicia Transicional en México”, a think-and-do thank that he co-founded in 2019.
A lawyer by training, Jorge holds a Graduate degree in International Legal Studies (LLM) from New York University (NYU), where he distinguished himself as a Transitional Justice Scholar and Human Rights Fellow at the School of Law. He has taken part as expert in UN global consultations on innovations in the transitional justice field and was appointed as a member of an expert panel tasked with assessing the guarantee of the 'right to search for disappeared persons' in a local context in Mexico, amidst instances of state and criminal violence. Jorge has also contributed his expertise by teaching transitional justice in various graduate programs across Latin America. He has represented victims’ interests before domestic, regional, and international bodies.
Jorge is fluent in English and Spanish and has basic knowledge of French.
For collaboration opportunities or to learn more about Jorge Peniche's transformative work in the Centre, feel free to reach out.